The Dollar, Gold And The Quality Of Money- Forbes--7.18.11
With all the global uncertainties going on throughout the world, many are wondering about the actual quality of money itself. People expect money to hold the same value when they spend it and when they receive it. READ MORE
Gold Rally Poised to Continue Amid Rising Inflation Expectations- Daily FZ--7.16.11
Inflation bets are on the rise as Bernanke left the door wide open for a possible QE3 stimulus and also stated the inflation may not be so temporary and he had previously said before. READ MORE
Manufacturing Gauge Slumps as Core Inflation Gains- CNBC--7.15.11
Underlying inflation pressures remain elevated although US consumer prices fell slightly more than expected during the month of June. Taking out food and energy, core CPI still rose after a gain in May and above economists' expectations. READ MORE
The Fed's Game Plan: Growth Today, Inflation Tomorrow- Business Insider--7.13.11
With QE2 running its course and QE3 in discussion, the Fed is facing many problems, especially with all the stimulus still in the system which will result in higher inflation. The Fed's reserve balance has more then tripled making it so there is growth now and inflation later. READ MORE
Warning: Inflation tsunami imminent - OneNewsNow -- 7.14.11
According to one financial analyst, the March tsunami that devastated Japan may pale in comparison to a fast-approaching tidal wave of inflation that could sink the U.S. economy. In their new book, The Inflation Deception: Six Ways Government Tricks Us...and Seven Ways to Stop It!, Craig Smith and Lowell Ponte say Americans can defend themselves by converting dollars into hard assets. MORE...
Shocking job decline shows "Great Invisible Depression" getting worse- 7.8.11
An economy requires hope and optimism, one facet of what economist John Maynard Keynes called "Animal Spirits," to give people the optimism to invest and hire. The July 8 U.S. jobs report showing unemployment rising to 9.2% will drive the continuing "death spiral" of the economy -- in which lack of optimism begets less hiring which begets even less optimism. So say Craig Smith and Lowell Ponte, authors of "THE INFLATION DECEPTION: Seven Ways Government Tricks Us...And Seven Ways to Stop It!" READ MORE
WATCH: Craig R. Smith on Fox News discussing U.S. debt, employment and inflation solutions
Morgan Stanley Calls for Higher Inflation - Bloomberg- - 6.30.11
Gregory Peters, head of global fixed-income economic research at Morgan Stanley, said the operator
of the world's largest brokerage continues to expect inflation to rise over the next year.
Welcome to the world of jobless stagflation - Fortune -- 6.24.11
We're living with slowing growth, high unemployment, and accelerating inflation. Oh, and a Federal
Reserve that consistently makes inaccurate projections.READ MORE
Inflating Away America's Future- Money Morning--6.24.11
The growing debt burdens of our country are making it hard for many individuals to live they lives they were used to and it is becoming especially hard for those who are retired or are about to retire. But unlike the Great Depression, we are finding that prices are increasing and not decreasing, making it especially hard on Americans. READ MORE
Five money moves one inflation hawk is making now- Market Watch--6.23.11
Expert Robert Arnott see the "perfect storm" coming of deficits, debt and demographics that are surely to hurt the US economy. His big question is "Who pays this debt?" referring the large and ever increasing debt that the US economy currently hold with no way of solving it. READ MORE
"Stealth QE3" Comes to Fruition - Soaring Inflation is Next- Money Morning--6.23.11
Money Morning strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald sees the Fed's recent actions as a "stealth mode" QE3 and are likely to start reinvesting the proceeds of maturing debt instead of actually printing more money. This action does not reduce the balance sheet and instead will feed the inflation rate to higher levels. READ MORE
China Expects Inflation to Keep Climbing for a While- NY Times--6.22.11
Inflation in China this year is set to rise further this month becoming an even greater concern for policy makers. These prices remain high in part by sharp rises globally in the cost of raw materials. Inflation is effecting everyone on the global level as well, causing problems for many other countries. READ MORE
Bernanke to Invent New Term for Printing Money, Says NIA- PRNewswire--6.20.11
The National Inflation Association released a report today to its members stating that even though it was reported that inflation had slowed, NIA warns that the truth in fact is that inflation is spiraling out of control and the media has altered reports to make it seem like inflation is under control. READ MORE
Consumers battle weaker growth, higher prices- Reuters--6.16.11
The US economy has been facing a mix of higher prices and weak growth. A combination of weak reports has many Americans concerned about the future of the US economy and its ability to pull itself out of the recession. If the economy continues to remain weak and inflation high, the Fed is faced with the major problem of another stimulus.READ MORE
Inflation Higher Than Expected in May- Seeking Alpha--6.16.11
Due to the rising cost of commodities that has been occurring for over the past year, consumer prices have risen. It is not that the rising prices are a concern, but the rate at which this inflation has been occurring is troublesome to many financial experts.READ MORE
Core Inflation Remains a Concern for Economy- MSNBC--6.15.11
While energy prices cooled in May resulting in lower gas prices, Americans still had to pay more for such things as cars, clothing and hotel rooms. This shows an increase in core inflation and will limit the Fed's ability to help stimulate the economy.READ MORE
The real U.S. cost of living is soaring- The Daily Crux--6.15.11
The cost of living is up 3.6% since May of 2010 and has risen at its fastest pace during the past month of May at .2%. This becomes a problem for policy makers who are trying to promote growth while avoid too high of inflation.READ MORE
Gold to Extend Gains as Buyers Seek 'Safety' Against Inflation, Fund Says- Bloomberg--6.15.11
According to an expert at Quantum Asset Management Co., gold prices will extend their gains as investors seek a safe haven against global inflation and currency debasement. With more investors flocking to gold, gold prices will continue rising like it has the past 11 years.READ MORE
Gold robust over $1500 as stagflation deepens - Commodity Online--6.14.11
With the British pound, the yen, the Swiss franc and dollar showing weakness, gold climbs higher today. The potential for a Eurozone breakup has been leaving gold as a potential safe haven asset when currencies begin to become weak and lose their value.READ
Soaring Inflation? Not With 9% Unemployment- USA Today --6.10.11
With higher food and energy prices we are indeed seeing inflation, but since the economy is slow and unemployment remains high, we are probably going to face stagflation, where the economy is slow and commodity prices are high.READ MORE
Senior Citizens Hurt By Inflation Turn to Gold Coins- EIN News--6.10.11
Many seniors have been feeling the pressure on their income due to the bailouts and quantitative easing programs. In this inflation dominated time period many seniors find themselves turning to gold coins to protect their assets.READ MORE
Commodity prices should snap higher in H2, dollar unlikely to recover until 2012 - Morgan Stanley-Mineweb--6.9.11
Morgan Stanley does not expect the Fed to raise any rates for at least another year. They also believe that is the unemployment rates rises, this will point towards QE3 and would carry considerable risk against the destruction of the dollar.READ MORE
Fed's Plosser warns of inflation risks from QE- Reuters--6.9.11
Senior U.S. Federal Reserve official Charles Plosser warned on Thursday of the risks to future inflation from its program of quantitative easing and reiterated that the bar for more stimulus for the economy was "very high."READ MORE